
Explaining Online Games

Online games are a great way for people to meet and develop relationships. It can also be a wonderful outlet for reducing stress. Online games are becoming increasingly popular as a fun and engaging activity. They are a fantastic way to improve memory, problem-solving skills, and cognitive function. 1. Multiplayer Multiplayer online games from https://gameboost.com/wr/duo-boost are a…
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What Happens When Mercury Goes Retrograde?

You’ve likely heard that Mercury retrograde is linked to the 4444 angel number meaning. Mercury is the planet that governs communication and all activities related to it. This includes travel, automobiles and shipping. It is not moving forward, contrary to what it…

Collagen - An Important Protein For Your Body

The 28 genetically different collagen types differ in their molecular and supramolecular assembly. These rod-shaped proteins have triple helix units with Gly, X, and Y (Glycine being the smallest of all amino acids. X and Y can be proline or hydroxyproline). Collagen from…

Top Five Benefits To keep Up With The News

It is a little bit shocking that most people don’t realize this; news is the same as keeping up with the crazy family. Gossip and drama are the two things that everyone loves to hear. But they hate to be a part of the news. News is perfect, which gives the latest updates…

Diwali celebrated with no firecrackers in India!

Diwali is the most precious festival in India, where millions of people celebrate the same festival. Many persons do their level best to make Diwali the best festival. It is one particular festival which is celebrated with firecrackers, lots of sweets and gorgeous lighting.

Get Well, Stewie, or, Why I’m Moving Back to Michigan

I can pinpoint the exact moment Michigan’s gravitational pull officially reeled us back into orbit. We were lounging on a hotel room bed during a post-Thanksgiving getaway to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and for evening entertainment, all we could focus on was hunting down a…

The Paradox of Paradise

Why I hope to spend More Time Up North by living in Detroit Growing up as one of the many metro Detroiters who clog up I-75 on summer weekends to get away from the swelter of city life, I developed a serious infatuation with certain places up north. It started with my…

Midwest is Best

Our return to Michigan is just nine days away, and we’re beyond ready to be home amongst our fellow Midwesterners: people who love things like Big Ten football, who don’t take themselves too seriously, and who actually pronounce R’s at the ends of words (if you hear us…

Midwest is Best: Part Deux

Last week we started musing about the adage “Midwest is Best,” and asked a handful of friends to let the saying inspire a piece of writing to appear here on Found Michigan. This week we finish up with the essays, with contributions from Portlandia, the Windy City…

I Wish Again To Be In Michigan For Thanksgivin'(an)

Earlier this month we put a call out for your funny Thanksgiving memories/stories from Thanksgivings past and original insights into the holiday from a down-home Midwestern perspective. We’ve collected some of your best (and some of ours) for this round of short…